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Cultural Learning

- Data of Regional Regulation/Mayor’s Regulation related to education

- Narrative and data related to Surabaya Belajar (Learning Surabaya)

- Narrative and data related to the short story writing

- Narrative and documentation related to Pelajar Pelopor Surabaya (Surabaya Pioneer Students)

- Narrative related to Anti-Drugs Curriculum

- Narrative and data related to the gelar pelajar and ikrar pelajar (student’s vow)

- Narrative and documentation related to the education exhibition and appreciation of Widya Wahana Pendidikan

- Narrative and documentation related to Adisiswa Fiesta

- Narrative and documentation related to Kongres Pelajar Nusantara (National Student Congress)

- Narrative related to the characteristic education, Pramuka (Scout), and Sekolah Kebangsaan (School of Nations)

- Narrative related to the anti-drugs curriculum in the PAUD (Early Education Schools), in cooperation with KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission)

- Narrative, documentation, and the data of the participants, tutors, and number of languages taught in Rumah Bahasa

- Number of visits from other Regional Government/Third Parties to the Surabaya City Government

- Narrative and documentation related to the activities of Akse Literasi in the municipal and district level

- Narrative, documentation, and data related to Kurikulum Wajib Baca (Reading-Mandatory Curriculum), Tantangan Membaca (Reading Challenge)

- Narrative related to the using of TBM (Public Reading Space) for the empowerment of the people’s economy nearby (Kampung Kue/Cake Kampung)

- Narrative and documentation related to the Festival Budaya Pustaka (Literary Cultural Festival)

- Narrative and documentation related to Pertunjukan Rakyat (Traditional Show)

- Narrative and documentation related to the Surabaya Cross Culture Folks and Art Festival

- Narrative related to the Sekolah Kebangsaan (School of Nations)

- Narrative and documentation related to Kampung Lawas as Cultural Heritage

- Narrative and documentation related to Kampung Ketandan as Cultural Heritage

- Narrative and data related to the activities of Posdaya (Family’s Empowerment Center)

- Narrative and data related to the economy empowerment programs

- Narrative and data related to Campus Social Responsibility (CSR)

- Narrative, data, and documentation related to the excellent students learning and Kampung Anak Negeri

- Narrative related to the implementation of E-Health

- Narrative, data, and documentation related to the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior